1Whether confirmation from Registrar of Societies/Registrar of Companies confirming that the body is still registered and is complying with the requirements of the Act under which it is registered has been furnished? Annexure II, para. 3.1.YES , The Renewal of the Registration under Societies for Year 2022-23
2Were any amendments made to the Constitution?
If yes, have they been furnished to Registrar of Societies/Registrar of Companies?
Have copies thereof been furnished to the MYAS? Are they in compliance with the Sports Code?
Annexure II, para. 3.2.YES ,
The latest constitution were provided to the Ministry and duly registered with the Registrar of Societies. A copy of communication furnishing the amended constitution to Registrar of Societies etc. has been sent to the Ministry.
3Have duly audited books of accounts been uploaded on the website? Is the NSF following the mercantile system of accounting?Annexure II, para. 3.7YES,
The audited books accounts for last three years along with the ITR is available on the website. LINK
4Did the NSF intimate the MYAS well in advance about its General Body Meeting and other Meetings where elections of office bearers and other important decisions are to be taken? Were observers sent to such meetings permitted to attend the meetings without hindrance? Are the reports of the observers on record? Are the reports in order?Annexure II, para. 3.13.YES The Ministry of Sports was informed well in advance about the Elections etc.
5Is the NSF still registered with the
International Federation concerned?
Annexure II,
para. 3.15.
Fresh Copy of affiliation of the International Federation.
International Federation –LINK
Asian Federation – LINK
6Whether the NSF held a General Body Meeting at least once a year, as well as an appropriate meeting for the elections?Annexure II, para. 3.18.YES, AGM are held every year and last Election was held in General Body Meeting on 10 September 2019 at Amritsar Punjab
Minutes of AGM
7Whether any legal action has been taken by the Registrar of Societies or other legal authority? Annexure III, para.1(iii).
8Whether sufficient documents have been furnished to demonstrate how government funds have been properly utilizedAnnexure III, Para.
YES, Utilization Certificate with UDIN Number have been Submitted to Sports Authority of India after completion of every National Event.
9Whether information as required by the Right to Information Act, 2005 and the Sports Code have been published on the website of the NSF?Annexure XV,
Annexure XVIII.
Executive Committee – LINK
Ministry Compliance – LINK
RTI act 2005       LINK
NSDC 2011        LINK
10If there has been any change in the EC, what is the tenure of all members of the EC? Are they in compliance with the tenure
Annexure II, Para. 3.5.Tenure of the Office Bearers is in Compliance with the MYAS guidelines
11Have any of the persons in the EC been elected to any other NSF?Annexure II, Para. 3.6.NO
12Whether the NSF has included prominent sportspersons of outstanding merit by election in its General Body and the Executive Committee?Annexure II, para. 3.20
and para. 9.3(xii) of the Code.
13Has the NSF held annual National Championships for specified age-groups at the Senior, Junior and Sub-Junior levels for the past year? Have documents in support of the same been furnished with the Application?Annexure II, para. 3.8YES, All the information/documents including results of the National Championships in the Specific Age Groups is already submitted to Sports Authority of India.
14Whether the Long Term Development Plan has been drawn up (as applicable)? If already drawn up, is the Plan being complied with? Have milestones set herein for the past year been met?Annexure X.The Indian Pencak Silat Federation falls under “OTHERS”  category
The Indian Pencak Silat Athletes are provided training and Coaching on regular basis in their respective States/ Districts of every part of the Country.
Special Training Camps under qualified coaches are held well before in any International Level Competitions.
15 (1)Whether Advance Calendar has been drawn up for participation in competitions and training abroad and holding of International events in India?Annexure XIX.YES .
The Annual Calendar of the Activities is Updated Annually

Calendar FY 2021-22  LINK
Calendar FY 2022-23  LINK

Financial Year Calendars – LINK
15 (2)Pl indicate changes made to the schedule and venues as published in the advance calendar for the last four years along with reasons.Annexure XIX.No Changes
ACTC not applicable
15(3)Whether the Calendar has been furnished to the Government by 5th December?Annexure XIX.YES
16(1)Whether the NSF is conducting coaching camps, selection of coaches, selection of athletes etc. in accordance with the Guidelines at Annexure XXI?Annexure XXI.The Indian Pencak Silat Federation falls under “OTHERS”  category
The Indian Pencak Silat Athletes are provided training and Coaching on regular basis in their respective States/ Districts of every part of the Country.
Special Training Camps under qualified coaches are held well before in any International Level Competitions.
16(2)Whether the Yearly calendar of coaching camp has been drawn up based on the LTDP, and in consonance with the International/National calendar of events latest by 31st of January?Annexure XXI.YES
ACTC not applicable
16(3)Whether the Yearly calendar was furnished to the Government by 31st of January, and made available on the website?Annexure XXI.YES
ACTC not applicable
16(4)Whether any venue allocated for a particular coaching camp was changed? If yes, whether it was changed after taking due approval of the competent authority?Annexure XXI.NO
ACTC not applicable
16(5)Whether travel plan and ticketing of every player was informed to each player well in advance of the coaching camp?Annexure XXI.YES
16(6)Whether the team of coaches, sports scientists, experts were changed before the Asian/Olympic Games are over? If yes, what justification has been furnished therefor?Annexure XXINO
16(7)Whether any National Coach, Assistant coach or member of coaching team has a tainted record?Annexure XXINO
16(8)Whether Selection criteria/norms were communicated by NSFs to all concerned including the Government well in advance? Whether the same has been put up on the website, and furnished to SAI and Ministry to be put up on their respective websites?Annexure XXIYES
16(9)Whether minimum qualifying norms have been fixed for measurable events and announced with Selection Trials, and put up on website of NSF concerned and forwarded to SAI and Ministry to be put up on their respective websites?Annexure XXINO, Pencak Silat is not Measurable Event, However the announcement of the Selection trials are put on the Website and informed public through different official Social Media handles of Indian Pencak Silat Federation.
Selection Trials of 6th Senior Asian Pencak Silat Championship 2022 at Srinagar
16(10)Whether any selection trial was announced less than one month in advance of date of the trials of the competition event?Annexure XXINO
ACTC not applicable
16(11)Whether any selection trials for any team event were held less than two months in advance?Annexure XXINOT APPLICABLE
16(12)Whether any selection trials for any contact games were held less than one month in advance of the competition event?Annexure XXINO
16(13)What is the composition of the Selection Committee? Is it in consonance with the directions issued in this regard?Annexure XXIYes, the composition of selection committee is upload on the Website,
16(14)Whether any athlete not in the coaching camp was allowed to participate in the selection trials? What were the reasons therefor? Were there exceptional cases or with due justification?Annexure XXIYES
16(15)Whether any team once finalized for an event was changed? If yes, under what circumstances, and with what justification, and whether the same was duly informed to all concerned?Annexure XXINO
16(16)Whether the NSF has kept performance of each athlete on its website? Is this being updated at least once a month along with rankings as applicable?Annexure XXIYES, The performance of Indian Teams at International is
16(17)What is the appeal mechanism in place to ensure proper and timely redressal of athletes’ grievances?Annexure XXISub Committee has been framed for any timely redressal of athletes’ grievances
and on spot special desk to address the Athletes grievance at the National Event is also kept available
17(1)Are 2/3rds of the State/UTs of India affiliated (and still affiliated) with the NSF?
Are they duly registered entities?
Are they active entities/have documents demonstrating activities carried out by them furnished?
Annexure II, para. 3.4.YES
List of Affiliated States – LINK
Societies Registration of States – LINK
17(2)Are the State/UT Associations each affiliating and continuing to affiliate at least 50% of the District Associations?
Are they duly registered entities? Are they active entities/have documents demonstrating activities carried out by them furnished?
Annexure II, para 3.10,
para. 3.19.
The information of the affiliated district units with their respective state/UT Associations are updated.
18Whether the NSF has complied with conditions laid down in the Code, including as to anti-doping, prevention of age fraud, citizenship criteria for selection of National
Team, prevention of sexual harassment etc?
Annexure II, para. 3.21.YES, NSDC is fully Complianed
IPSF Constitution – LINK
MYAS Compliance – LINK
19(1)Whether measures against age fraud have been taken by the NSF?Annexure XVI dated 25.9.2009.YES
Online registration portal via our website along with proper age proof is available to Stop age frauds etc.
No age fraud case was registered till date.
19(2)Whether particulars of the identity cards issued have been uploaded on the website?Annexure XVI dated 25.9.2009.YES, Online registration portal via our website is made for the issuance of the Online Identity Cards to all the Registered Athletes (Athlete Data)
20(1)Whether measures to prevent sexual harassment of women in sports have been taken by the NSF?Annexure XVI dated 12.8.2010.Sub Committee has been framed to prevent sexual harassment of women
20(2)What is the present constitution of the Complaints Committee?Annexure XVI dated 12.8.2010.a). Ms. Nistha Charkaborty         – Chairman
b).  Mr. Irfan Aziz Butta                — Member
c).  Ms. Hemlata Mishra                — Member
d). Ms. Sonia                                     — Member
e). Mrs. Philia Thomas                  — Member
f). Ms. Pooja  Khatwa                     — Member